Hi, My name is Lungani Buthelezi

I am a self-taught programmer and I love coding

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About Me

Creative front-end and back-end web application developer with expertise in MERN stack and ASP.NET framework. Skilled in creating RESTful APIs, connecting the back-end APIs with front-end and deploying applications to azure hosting service. Looking for an opportunity to grow and help businesses produce the best applications for the clients.

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  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • BootStrap
  • jQuery
  • React
  • React + Redux
  • C#
  • Asp.net Mvc
  • Asp.net MVC Core
  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • GitHub
  • MongoDb
  • SQL
  • SDLS



This is full stack web site created using ASP.NET MVC. It includes authentication and has three user roles and email verification. It is full CRUD application, also users can browse the selling properties and it allows clients to chat with agents.


This a full-stack application created using Asp.Net MVC. It includes authentication and has two user roles. It verifies user email and users can recover forgotten password. Users can search for movies, watch movie trailer, select a date, book and make online payment.


This a MERN stack web application. The front-end is created using react-redux and the back end using Node and Express and Mongo for the database. It includes authentication and it a complete CRUD application.

Weather web site

This web site is created using react. It get the data of Weather forecust using an api and it has city auto complete api.

React contact menagement

Small React application to manage contact. This application uses functional components, props and react hooks.

Rock Paper Scissors JavaScript Game

This small application use a simple javascript algorithm to make it possible to be able to play this game.

hairpalice web site

This web site is only the front end. It is created using html, css and javascript. It has 7 pages , including a landing page, register, login and other.

Learning landing page

This web page is created using only html and css. It a fully responsive page with fixed top nav bar. The code for css includes flex box.

Tribute page

This web page is only created using html and css. It is a responsive web page.

Login page

This page is created using html and css. It is a responsive page.

Image slider

This page is created using html, css, javascript and sliderjs.

Survey page

This page is created using html and css. It is a responsive web page.


Cellphone number:

082 338 1278

Cellphone number 2:

066 406 2410



Email 2:


Social Media